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Dutchtown High School


booster Club Inc. 


The organization shall be known formally as the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club Inc. and informally as the DHS Bulldog Nation Members.

The organization will be structured in the following manner:

  • A.   DHS Bulldog Nation: Voting Members
  • B.   DHS Bulldog Nation: Executive Board


The organization shall be known as the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club, Inc. The Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club is a non-

profit, nonpartisan and nonsectarian organization that seeks to be a resource for the support and enhancement of the Dutchtown High School Football

Program through activities and contributions as directed or requested by the Varsity Head Coach of that program. The members of the Dutchtown High

School Football Booster Club have the sole right to govern and control those activities and contributions through elected officers when acting within the

granted authority and under the direction of the Varsity head Coach. 

The objectives of the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club are as follows:

  • Support the Football program/ general welfare of the players/ coaches / students.
  • Enhance the Football program at Dutchtown High School.
  • Support and promote student and community interest in the football program.
  • Foster a closer relationship between Dutchtown High School and our community.
  • Raise funds for the Football program and students of Dutchtown High School.
  • Lend moral and financial support to the Football program, Dutchtown High School and the Dutchtown Cluster Schools. 
  • Cooperate and work in all possible ways with the Principal, Coaches and Staff; to promote excellence in athletic and scholastic endeavors at Dutchtown High School.

Upon dissolution of the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club, the DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board shall, after paying or making provisions for

payment of all liabilities of the organization, dispose of all the assets of the organization in accordance to bylaws governing nonprofit 

organizations in Georgia. Any assets not so disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the organization is located,

exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court should determine which are organized and operated

exclusively for such purposes notwithstanding any other provision.


A.   Membership: DHS Bulldog Nation membership shall be open to all DHS Football supporters, parent(s), and legal guardian(s) of DHS Football participants.
B.   Membership Dues: DHS Bulldog Nation Membership Dues shall be $100.00 per person, and shall be open to family, local businesses and other friends of 
the football team. Dues must be paid annually (Beginning April 1st and ending to April 1st of the next year).
Sponsorship: Sponsorship shall be open and available to family, local businesses, community groups and other friends of the football team at levels that are determined by the DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board.


The DHS Bulldog Nation shall meet on a regular basis.

A.  Open meetings Policy: DHS Bulldog Nation Meetings, Committee Meetings, Special Called Meetings, Board Meetings and Summer Work Sessions, shall be open to all, including but not limited to Football boosters, sponsors, and other supports. However, voting will be limited to those who are in good standing. (See Article V (B) section 2.)B.  General Body Meetings: Regular meetings, also known as “Football Monthly Meetings” Shall be held per month on the 2nd Tuesday of each month during the months of August and May.
C.   Summer Work Sessions: A summer work session will be scheduled in the month of June, at the discretion of the President and in coordination with the Head Football Coach, to facilitate planning for the next school year and to provide appropriate training for newly elected and/or appointed officers and committee chairs. 
D.   Special Called Meetings: Special Called meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the President and in coordination with the Head Football, to handle urgent business of the DHS Bulldog Nation organization and/or other issues that pertain to any DHS Football, DHS Bulldog Nation and/or DHS Football organization.
E.    Meeting Cancellation or Rescheduling: The President or Head Football Coach may cancel and/or reschedule any meeting or work session with reasonable notice to the Head Football Coach and DHS Bulldog Nation -Voting Members. This includes, any emergency, Special Called, Board and/or Committee Meetings.
F.    Meeting Location: All General Body meetings will be held in the Dutchtown High School Commons, unless otherwise specified.

G.   Reasonable Notice: Reasonable Notice is achieved when a minimum of 48 hours is provided between calling and hosting a meeting.

H.   Notice: Notice of meetings, events and activities shall be made via prescribed methods that are agreed upon by the Executive Board. This may include but are not limited to email, telephone communication, text and /or social media. 

I.  Meeting Attendance: The Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club is a volunteer organization. This, it is of extreme importance that all DHS Bulldog Nation member make every effort to regularly attend Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club booster meetings. Though there are no meeting attendance requirements for the DHS Football Boosters, to ensure that the organization is successful, regular attendance should be made a priority by all involved.

a. Excused Absences: with regard to Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club Executive Board members, only absences may be excused at the discretion of the President and/or in agreement with the Head Football Coach. In an instance that the absence in question is that of the President, the discretion will be that of the Vice President, in agreement with the Head Football Coach.  Similarly, in the instance of the President, in agreement with the Vice President.

b. Excused Absences Examples: Excused absences will include, but not limited to, serious issues or unavoidable conflicts relating to family,  work, Football engagements or DHS school related activities. As indicated above, the absence will be considered by the President, and/or in agreement with the Head Football Coach (or indicated parties a necessary). 

c. Unexcused Absences: With regard to DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board and Head Football Coach excessive unexcused absences will result in DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board removal. (See Article V (c).)


The elected officers of this organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall make up the DHS Bulldog Nation 

Executive Board along with the Head Football Coach and Principal (or appointed designee).

A.  Officers

a.     President: The duties of President shall include;
a.  Preside at all Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club meetings, unless absence is excused.
b.  Enforcing the Constitution and Bylaws of the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club and shall make sure all Executive Board members have a copy of the By-Laws.

c.  Appointing Chairpersons and Committees as needed. 

d.  Filling any and all vacancies of an elected officer if the need arises. 
e.  Serving as an ex-officio member on all committees.
b.    Vice President: the duties of the Vice President shall include:
a.  Performing all duties of the President in his or her absence or at the request of the President
b.  Attending all Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club meetings, unless the absence is excused.
c.  In the event that the office of President is vacated for any reason, the Vice President shall automatically become President of the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club for the remainder of the term in which such vacancy occurs and shall immediately assume title and all duties delegated to the office of President.
d.  Preside over the following committee:
a.  Gam
e Day Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to plan, organize, and coordinate all Game Day Events for the season.
c.     Secretary: The duties of the Secretary shall include:
a.  Attend all DHS Football booster meetings unless the absence is excused.
b.  Accurately record all minutes each Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club meeting.
c.  Retain copies of all committee reports and officers’ reports.
d.  Furnishing copies of all minutes to school officers, if requested
e.  Serving as a member of the Communications Committee to ensure the booster organization has an accurate mailing/contact list Maintaining the Bylaws of the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club
d.    Treasurer: The duties of Treasurer shall include:
a.  Keeping accurate record of all money collected by the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club through fundraising projects, concessions, sponsorships and other Booster-approved endeavors.
b.  Attending all Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club meetings unless absence is excused.
c.  Depositing all monies into the Organizations bank account. The Treasurer shall make every effort to deposit said funds within 24 hours of receipt.
d. Making an itemized financial report at each meeting.
e.  Reconciling all bank accounts on a quarterly basis and report activity to the DHS Bulldog Nation Members.
f.  Turning over all books when a new Treasurer is elected.
g.  Reimbursing members funds for authorized expenditures with appropriate receipts.
h.  Being held responsible for the security of Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club monies.
i.   Submitting a list of names of DHS Bulldog Nation Members in Good Standing to the Secretary monthly.
j.   Receipt and accept checks or cash for DHS Bulldog Nation membership only at Dutchtown High School Bulldogs Football Booster Club Meetings, parent meetings, or Dutchtown High School Bulldogs Football Booster Club Executive meetings.
Coordinate with the Membership Committee regarding activities that promote membership into the Dutchtown High School Bulldogs Football Booster Club.

1.    Eligibility: All DHS Bulldog Nation Members who are in good standing are eligible to be elected for a term of one year.
2.    Good Standing: All DHS Bulldog Nation Members who have paid dues for the current year, and do not owe any dues or fees for previous years are considered to be in good standing.
3.    Time of Election: Officers shall be elected at the April meeting and shall assume office on June 1st of each year. All officers and officer elect will be expected to attend the summer work sessions where said officers will be responsible for training all officer elects. DHS Bulldog Nation Members, who are in good standing, are eligible to run for office and vote on all business matters that are brought to the general body. Dues for the current year must be paid 1 month prior to the election.
Vacated Office: In the event that a Board Office is vacated due resignation, removal, etc., the remaining members of the Executive Board shall be empowered to appoint a person or persons to fill the vacant office, with a ratifying vote by DHS Bulldog Nation Members at the next regular meeting.

1.    Removal from Office: In the event a DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board Member is no longer able to successfully fulfill the duties of his/her position due to inactivity, excessive absence, or any other reason he/ she will be removed from office by recommendation of the President to the Executive Board. Removal shall be facilitated by majority vote of the Executive Board. Announcement of the position vacancy shall be made at the next Board DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board Meeting and/or General Body meeting. At that time, a replacement for that office will be appointed by the President, and in coordination with the DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board.
Resignation from office: In the event that a DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board Member feels that he/she is no longer able to successfully fulfill the duties of his/her position, he/she must tender their resignation in writing to the President. This resignation will then be announced at he next Board DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board and/ or General Body meeting. At that time, a replacement for that office will be appointed by the DHS Bulldog Nation President, and in coordination with the DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board. 


A.   Checking Account: The DHS Bulldog Nation checking account should have two (2) signatures on the DHS Bulldog Nation account. Both signers shall be DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board officers, with the recommended signers being the President and Treasurer.
B.   Expenditures: All expenditures exceeding $50.00 must be approved by a simple majority vote of the members in attendance at the next scheduled General Body meeting. Exceptions: Exceptions will be made for the concession stand and emergency expenditures. All emergency expenditures must be approved by a minimum of two (2) executive officers.
C.   Reimbursements: Expenditures that have been properly authorized are eligible for reimbursement.
a.     Reimbursements: Receipts: All authorized expenditure reimbursement requests must include the complete purchase receipt and be accompanied by a DHS Bulldog Nation Reimbursement Form, which can be obtained in the Members Only Section of the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club Website.
b.    Reimbursements over $50.00:No reimbursements on expenditures over $50.00 will be given without prior approval of the simple majority vote or  approval of the Executive Officers.
c.     Purchasing Procedures Policies: Dutchtown High School Purchasing Procedures be must be followed. Purchasing Procedures can be found on Members Only Section of the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club Website.
D.   All contracts/agreements should be approved by the appropriate committee chairman/officer, reviewed, and approved by the DHS Bulldogs Football Booster Club. All contracts must be approved by all parties prior to vendor beginning work.
E.    Annual Budget: The Annual Budget shall be created by the DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board and presented to the DHS Bulldog Nation Members no
later than June 30th of every year.
F.    The fiscal year of the DHS Bulldog Nation shall be from January 1 to December 31.


The DHS Bulldog Nation will establish the following committees:

A.   Game Day Experience Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to plan, organize, and implement the following:
a.     Home game Concessions Operations
b.    The selling of DHS Football Paraphilia
c.     Spirit Night activities
d.    Youth Night activities
e.     Military Night activities 
B.   Community Outreach Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to organize 7 monthly volunteer opportunities during the months of June - December.  
C.   Communications Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to do the following:
a.     Ensure written communication is distributed to all members in the following ways:
1.  Email
2. Text
3.  Monthly newsletters during the football season
4.  2 newsletters during the off season.
b.    Work with the Secretary to ensure that the mailing/contact list is updated regularly.
D.   Events Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to plan and organize the following events:
a.     End of the Year Banquet
b.    Life of a Bulldog
c.     Family Day (End of the summer)
d.    Thanksgiving Lock In Activities
E.    Community Partnerships/Fundraising Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to:
a.     Work to build a relationship with the community.
b.    Raise funds to obtain items needed to grow the DHS Football Program
c.     Create the Game Day Programs for sale at home football games.
F.    Player Nutrition Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to organize and provide the team with:
a.     Thursday Spaghetti Meals,
b.    Pre-Game Meals for the season
c.     Post-game meal for any game that is farther than 2 ½ hours away or any post-game meal requested by the DHS Football program. 
d.    Thanksgiving Lock In Breakfast
G.   Social Media Committee: It shall be the duty of this committee to build a positive social media brand for the Dutchtown High School Bulldogs Football Booster Club. Responsibilities include:
a.     Posting to Social Media Pages
b.    Maintain Website
c.     All information posted publicly must have the approval of the President prior to posting.
H.   Membership Committee:  It shall be the duty of this committee to study and monitor factors affecting membership in the Dutchtown High School Bulldogs Football Booster Club. Additionally, it shall be the duty of this committee to recruit school and community stakeholders to join the Dutchtown High School Bulldogs Football Booster Club. Responsibilities include:
a.     Be familiar with current process for membership.
b.    Be responsible for booster club events and activities that promote membership into the booster club.
c.     Ensures new members have access to booster club information.
d.    Orders and distributes any booster club yearly nametags to booster club members.
e.     Ensure there is a membership table at selected football events.
f.      Coordinate with the Treasure regarding activities that promote membership into the Dutchtown High School Bulldogs Football Booster Club.
I.      A minimum of five (5) individuals needed for each committee, including the Chairperson. 
J.     Eligibility to serve as a committee Chairperson:
a.     Good Standing: All DHS Bulldog Nation Members who have paid dues for the current year, and do not owe any dues or fees for previous years are considered to be in good standing.
b.    Appointed by President of Dutchtown High School Bulldogs Football Booster Club.


Any changes to the By-Laws of the Dutchtown High School Bulldogs Football Booster Club must first be brought to the DHS Bulldog Nation Executive

Board in a Special Called Meeting. It must then pass by a simple majority vote of the DHS Bulldog Nation Executive Board members present at the

meeting where the amendment is being considered. It will then be brought to the general membership for consideration at the next scheduled Booster

meeting for discussion and review. At a subsequent meeting, a vote will be taken and it must pass by a simple majority vote of the DHS Bulldog Nation -

Voting members present at that meeting.


Upon dissolution of the Dutchtown High School Football Booster Club, the remaining assets will be used exclusively to support the DHS Football


Dutchtown High School  Football Booster Club Inc.

Address: 149 Mitchell Rd. Hampton Georgia 30228


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